Men abused women. Caucasians oppressed Blacks and nearly everyone else. The rich and powerful had forgotten noblesse oblige, corrupting corporations to deceitfully seduce all others to greed and envy, reducing governments to institutions that, at best, are mostly adrift.
All of us were, the best of our personal abilities, despoiling our planet and sole native home.
Then came a pandemic and we got a chance to survey the world from our little caves. That’s when the need for regeneration became obvious to me. In biology, regeneration is a process of renewal, restoration, and growth that allows everything from cells and organisms to entire ecosystems to overcome natural fluctuations, or episodic disturbance or damage.
As a man, I recognize in pornography and erotic literature our savage pollinating fantasies of women as the source of sexual satisfaction available for the taking, penetrating, and controlling, at our whim. When I hear of domestic murder, gang rapes, sex trafficking, I realize that a #MeToo movement cannot stop this. Feminist research can’t rectify this.
We men need to be healed.
We need an outward regeneration, from the cells in our spinal cord and from the deepest recesses of our psyches. We need to cleanse society of all messages, supports, tradition, socialization, imagery and propaganda inducements to ravage and conquer women that have developed over thousands of years.
The same applies to Caucasians, the rich and powerful and their institutions, and indeed to all of humanity.
Even the oppressed and less fortunate have to change. Women have often enough enslaved themselves to fantasies of beauty sustained by malevolent industries. Non-Caucasians have absorbed notions of a tribal hierarchy of ethnicity, nationalities, and races.
No one is free of blemish.
After the pandemic, if we survive, we need to start a process of regenerating humanity.